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(6 pictures) Old photos
(12 pictures) 2012 Laserpalooza
(25 pictures) 2012 Kip Lar Rieu Tahoe Champs
(2 pictures) 2012 Fall Dinghy
(21 pictures) 2013 Monterey Fleet Champs
(11 pictures) 2013 Whiskeytown
(16 pictures) 2013 Laserpalooza II
(16 pictures) 2013 Masters PCCs
(1 picture) 2013 Kip Lar Rieu
(22 pictures) 2013 Redwood Regatta
(10 pictures) 2014 Monterey
(45 pictures) 2014 Go for the Gold
(7 pictures) 2014 Chichester
(4 pictures)  2016 Chichester
(9 pictures) 2016 laserpaloza

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West Coast Sailing Grand Prix Photos

2013 Monterey Fleet Champs

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fog bank launch ramp from the club JB MPYC from the launch ramp Toshi Steve no clouds Tracy David Tracy Laird Emma JB Nick Peter Garth